Thursday, March 21, 2013

Plot Types

Here is a fantastic collection of different plot structures, this is by no means all-inclusive, but hopefully the descriptions and the links get your brains going!

The Seven step structure

Here is a masterful link to Dan Wells' presentation on the Seven step structure. Much better than I could ever explain it! But here is a simple breakdown:

7 Piece Structure
The Opposite state than the end.
Plot Turn 1:
From beginning to midpoint, Introduce conflict, Character’s world changes (New people, secrets, follow the Rabbit, call to adventure).
Pinch 1:
Apply pressure (something goes wrong, bad guys attack, peace is destroyed) force the character to action, often to introduce the villain.
From Reaction to Action, When they begin to move from one state to another. Learn something, and then decide what to do.
Pinch 2:
More Pressure (Hopeless, jaws of defeat, the plan fails, loss of mentor or everything, the bad guys seems to win), Sharp teeth.
Plot Point 2
From midpoint to end, obtaining the final key to make it happen (the power is in you!), victory from the jaws of defeat.
Everything leads to this moment, that state.

Tools to use:

Ice Monster Prologue
  • Attention Grabber, the part of the Promises you make
Try/Fail cycles
  • Before success in anything important, should try and fail at least 2 times
  • Sometimes the steps look like victories (he beats them, but he does not immediately gain his objective)
  • Sometimes actually failures (Inigo Montoya)
Subplots and Plots
  • Can have more than one main plot
  • Each can be mapped with the Seven-point system

Feralt's Triangle, As interpreted by David Farland

Essentially three act structure, only there is an emphasis on there are 2 major attempts to resolve the conflict by the protagonist that fail, and during the climax there is a Reversal (where the hero is defeated, but quickly turns the tables on the villains and wins.)

The Hero's journey

The Hero's Journey Diagram

The M.I.C.E. quotient-By Orson Scott Card

  • Milieu stories begin with a character entering a milieu (setting) and end when they leave it (or decide to stay).
  • Idea stories begin by raising a question, and end when the question is answered.
  • Characters stories begin close to the point where the main character begins to attempt to change his role, and ends at the point where the struggle ends.
  • Event stories are when something is wrong in the world/universe, something has thrown of the status quo and it is in a state of flux. It begins at the point where the character whose actions are most crucial to establishing the new order becomes involved in the struggle and ends when a new order is established, the older order is restored, or "the world descends into chaos as the forces of order are destroyed."

Brandon Sanderson's Method

  • Brainstorm the ending
  • Brainstorm cool/important things
  • Make a list of things that need to happen for those cool/important things to work and to work well
  • Weave them together into an outline
  • Test out different characters for the role to see who works
  • Write, review plot sporadically, update, write again

Hollywood Formula

·       3 Characters:
o   Protagonist (wants something concrete, definite achievable goal) “I want to stop Ralden from conquering the world.”
o   Antagonist (places obstacles in the path of the protagonist, not necessarily the bad guy, but goals are diametrically opposed to the protagonist)
o   Relationship/Dynamic (accompanies the protag, typically has been there/done that before and has wisdom to communicate to the protag, and the protag isn’t listening. They are the person to whom, or from whom the theme of the story is articulated.
§  They have a conversation at the beginning articulating the theme, another conversation at the end=reconciliation of the protagonist and the antagonist)
·       Story is done (and the closer these happen to each other the more emotional impact) when the Protagonist:
o   Achieves their goal
o   Defeats the antagonist
o   Reconciles with the relationship character
·       120 page story breakdown:
o   Act 1: 30 pages long
§  Introduce 3 characters and what they want
§  The theme articulating conversation
§  Pages 11-13 the Fateful decision, Protagonist presented with a choice, and must choose to have a film, if they choose no, we don’t have a story, if they choose yes, we have a story (can happen more then once, Matrix has three)
§  Closes.
o   Act 2: 60 pages long
§  Up to page 60 is about asking questions. Page 60 and on stop asking questions and start answering them.
§  Page 90, the low point, rock bottom, farthest from our goal that it is possible to be, the Protagonist is as far as possible from achieving their goal
o   Act 3: 30 pages long
§  The fight from the low point to the end
§  Protagonist achieves their goal, Defeats the antagonist, Reconciles with the relationship character

Well there you go! Hope you enjoy those links about different plot types. I have learned a lot from each of these. You don't have to follow anyone, but it's good to know what writing tricks you can use. Ciao!


1 comment:

  1. Here's a classic Vonnegut lecture on the shapes of stories. It's a good addition to your great collection.
